Get Involved

God has given each person in the Body of Christ different gifts.  Just like each part of the human body is important, each part of the church body has gifts and it important.  God made you with gifts and it is His plan that you share your gifts to help others as part of your spiritual journey.  It does not matter what you do but that you do something you feel passionate about.  We hope that you will share your talents through a committee or group through All Saints.  We have something for all ages!

Committees: Groups:
  • Finance Committee
  • Visioning Committee
  • Young at Heart
















Be A Prayer Warrior – Prayers of Intercession
April 28, 2024  
As a congregation, we encourage prayer for the world, its many peoples, and the challenges facing us in today’s world. 

If you care deeply about any of the issues in the prayers below, we urge you to advocate for what you believe in and contact local, state, and/or federal officials.  See below for links to local government. 

Rejoicing that Jesus is risen, and love has triumphed over fear, let us pray for the church, the world, and all those in need of good news.

We pray for the church around the world, for all ministers, and for the mission of the gospel. Keep all the newly baptized and confirmed in your care. Cleanse our hearts with your word and help us to abide in you always.

For the well-being of the earth and of all created things: for rivers and lakes, streams and estuaries, melting glaciers and polluted waters. Renew the face of the earth and shower us with your goodness.

For the nations and all those in authority: for local, state, and national leaders, for elected representatives at every level, and for international organizations, that justice and peace may reign.

For all those in need: for any experiencing homelessness or unemployment, for those fleeing from oppression or seeking asylum, and for all who are ill or suffering.

For this congregation: for the caring ministries of this faith community, for all who visit and minister to one another, for all who take communion to homes or care centers, and for all who seek to share your love with the world.

With thanksgiving for the saints who rest from their labors. Help us, like them, to bear much fruit and to become your disciples, and at the last, bring us to that heavenly banquet where all will feast together at your table.

God of grace, hear our prayers.

 Links to County and City Websites

Broward County
City of Tamarac
City of Lauderhill
City of Lauderdale Lakes
City of North Lauderdale
City of Coral Springs www.coral

Special Projects/Church Needs

Tamarac Community Food Drive sponsored by Rachel Circle

Please bring in non-perishable food to the Church on Sundays.  You can also drop donations off on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church office.

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.
Matthew 25: 35 NLT

Opportunity to Serve

Our church office is in need of a volunteer for administrative and reception duties.  Please contact church secretary, Venetia, for more information at 954 721-3560.